Monday, April 16, 2012

Rest Easy......I've Got the Watch!

I said good bye to Maria early this morning and the USS BLUE RIDGE set sail on yet another Patrol of the U.S. SEVENTH Fleet Area of Responsibility (AOR). We will hit some very cool foreign ports and a few I haven't been to.

I won't be home for many weeks and both of us are growing tired of the separation - but Service to Country and the Needs of the Navy are what it's about right now. Well...until my retirement NEXT APRIL! 361 DAYS LEFT!

Maria will stay busy by working, volunteering in the military community and her EXTREME couponing habit! YES --- she saves us HUNDREDS of dollars a month. I'm at awe how she does it. She has her method and it's amazing!

So my friends and family.....Rest Easy, I've Got the Watch tonight.


TravelBug-Susan said...

We're interested in following your path to RVing full time. October 2011 is when we started full timing and we are so thrilled to be living a life of adventure.

Can't wait for you to return to post again.


Tumbleweed Dee said...

You need to update the blog, you're no longer going to be leaving in April.