Monday, March 3, 2008

Travel Day; But not in our RV!

Sunday was a travel day for me. I was driving from our home in Hanford, CA to San Diego, CA -- 350 miles. Now that's really not very far, but add going through the heart of LA....and it's a long drive. I came to a complete stop twice. Once a complete dead-still stop for about 5 minutes, then we inched for about the next 2 miles for a total of about 30 minutes. It was an accident, and of course; the proverbial Lookie-Lou's!

I left at 1400 and arrived San Diego at 2000. Not bad considering I had to go to the base first to get my ID Card (I left it there Friday in my work computer) and pick up a point paper for this conference I'm attending this week.

The boys were out doing their weekend activities; Thomas was skateboarding with his friends and Joseph was at the Gym with his friend Nick. I told them to be home at 1530 so they could get ready for this week. They don't understand why they need to be home so early. Basically, it's because "I CAN!" (LOL!) Isn't that the way we were all raised? Our parents put these crazy limitations on us and of course, we never understood WHY? I would ask my Mom when I was a teenager WHY??? She would...because I SAY SO ---- OR Because I can! So my kids have to go through it to.

Maria and I had lunch at, of course....our favorite Mexican food restaurant, La Fiesta. I have to go there AT LEAST once a week. I love it, and they know us. It's nice to walk in and someone say HI...want your usual? That's cool.

Well Monday will be busy for me. I need to go to the bank for my command's MWR, go see a few friends in San Diego that I haven't seen in about 2 years and do LOTS reading gearing up for the conference tomorrow and Wednesday.

I don't have any pics of Iceland today. But when I post later I will.

1 comment:

Kay said...

Nuvie.....I finally achieved getting an account. You must really be busy today not to have done your undate yet.......