Well sorry to my friends in RV-Dreams chat room. I know I said I was going to give you the details on the "plane wash". Well this last week has been crazy, just like every week at work is. I just got busy with work and this very hard business management class I'm taking. OK, so enough with that, here we go:
Tuesday: I went to work as usual, but this time I took my coveralls to work so I could participate in a plane wash. The reason I was in the plane wash is because I was PAID to do it. Yep, that's right, PAID. Well I didn't get any money, but the money was paid by my wonderful Sailors who wanted to see me wash the 30 million dollar plane!
Last October our command was raising money for our Annual Christmas Party. As with other Naval Aviation commands, the inevitable "KHAKI Plane Wash" comes to mind. Easy rules, Sailors pay $1.00 a vote and the top 5 KHAKI's (Chief's) with the most votes will wash the plane. So I tell my Divisional Supervisors and my Sailors that I WILL NOT wash the plane for anything less than $200.00...so get your check books out and pay-up.
Well this was successful to a point. I ended up getting the most votes -- 96 VOTES! But remember I said $200.00, that was the unsuccessful part, didn't get there. So we were going to do this plane wash in November 2007, but with all the detachments within our squadron and the holidays, we never go around to it.
So, Tuesday, 5 February 2008 was the date! Come hell or high water we were going to do it on this date....and we did! It took us 5 Chief's and 1 Officer (Our "Gunner"--Weapons Officer) 90 minutes to complete the task. So there you have it....that's how the Chief of Administration (HR Director) washed a fighter jet!
Now the next thing I need to do is post a picture. I would do that now, but can't get it off my thumb drive, I'll have to figure that out and get it posted. I'll let you know when it's posted.
Well Wednesday through Saturday was spent going about my daily routine at work and then press-on with the class. Well my hard-work paid off, somewhat. I received an "A" on the weekly paper, but got a "B" on my mid-term! I'm not loosing too much sleep over it. My grade is still a 94.33%.
Our boys stayed the night at their friends' house and they will be back later today. So Maria and I had a great time last night and she slept in until about 1000. But I told her since I was such a nice guy and "let" her sleep in she should take me to La Fiesta for lunch! So she said OK, but she made me pay for it!! What's up with that?! La Fiesta is a mexican restaurant in Hanford, CA---and it's the best we've EVER HAD! You know it's good when you walk in and 50% of the customers are Mexican and speaking spanish. That's the biggest compliment of all.
We didn't go RVing this weekend because of my paper and mid-term, so we pushed that off until next weekend. We're not sure where we will be going...but out of here! I'm hoping for the beach--just north of Morro Bay is a beautiful state park called San Simeon, and it's right on the beach.